
API: MPTransformSync #

Inherits: MPSyncBase

Network Transform Synchronizer

Properties #

Type Name Default
bool lerp_enabled true
int lerp_speed 20
float position_sensitivity 0.01
float rotation_sensitivity 0.01
float scale_sensitivity 0.01
bool sync_position true
bool sync_rotation true
bool sync_scale false

Methods #

Returns Type Syntax
set_position_2d ( )
set_position_3d ( )
set_rotation_2d ( )
set_rotation_3d ( )
set_scale_2d ( )
set_scale_3d ( )

Property Descriptions #

bool lerp_enabled

  • Default: true

Enable lerp for sync?

int lerp_speed

  • Default: 20

Determines lerp speed

float position_sensitivity

  • Default: 0.01

Determines the sync sensitivity of position

float rotation_sensitivity

  • Default: 0.01

Determines the sync sensitivity of rotation

float scale_sensitivity

  • Default: 0.01

Determines the sync sensitivity of scale

bool sync_position

  • Default: true

Determines if position will be sync

bool sync_rotation

  • Default: true

Determines if rotation will be sync

bool sync_scale

  • Default: false

Determines if scale will be sync

Method Descriptions #

set_position_2d ( )

Set position of the 2D node, Server only.

set_position_3d ( )

Set position of the 3D node, Server only.

set_rotation_2d ( )

Set rotation of the 2D node, Server only.

set_rotation_3d ( )

Set rotation of the 3D node, Server only.

set_scale_2d ( )

Set scale of the 2D node, Server only.

set_scale_3d ( )

Set scale of the 3D node, Server only.