
API: MultiPlayCore #

Inherits: MPBase

Core of everything MultiPlay

Properties #

Type Name Default
bool assign_client_authority true
String bind_address “*”
int connect_timeout_ms 50000
Node current_scene null
int current_swap_index 0
bool debug_gui_enabled true
Variant debug_status_txt ""
PackedScene first_scene
bool is_server false
MPPlayer local_player null
int max_players 2
int mode 0
bool online_connected false
MultiplayerPeer online_peer null
int player_count 0
bool player_node_ready false
PackedScene player_scene
MPPlayersCollection players
int port 4200
bool started false
String swap_input_action

Methods #

Returns Type Syntax
create_player ( Variant player_id, Variant handshake_data )
load_scene ( String scene_path, Variant respawn_players )
start_one_screen ( )
start_online_host ( bool act_client, Dictionary act_client_handshake_data, Dictionary act_client_credentials_data )
start_online_join ( String url, Dictionary handshake_data, Dictionary credentials_data )
start_solo ( )
start_swap ( )
swap_increment ( )
swap_to ( )

Enumerations #

enum PlayMode:

  • Online = 0

Network enabled multiplayer

  • OneScreen = 1

Single screen multiplayer. User can play with multiple controllers/devices.

  • Swap = 2

Swap mode. Intended to be played with one player, user can switch to the peer they wanted to control.

  • Solo = 3

Solo, self explanatory

enum ConnectionError:

  • UNKNOWN = 0

Unknown reason


The server’s full


Authentication Failure

  • TIMEOUT = 3

Connection timed out


Failure during connection


Internal handshake data cannot be readed by the server


Client’s Multiplay version is not compatible with the server

Property Descriptions #

bool assign_client_authority

  • Default: true

Should Client authority be assigned automatically?

String bind_address

  • Default: "*"

Which ip to bind on in online game host.

int connect_timeout_ms

  • Default: 50000

Time in milliseconds before timing out the user.

Node current_scene

  • Default: null

Current scene node

int current_swap_index

  • Default: 0

Current swap index, Swap mode only.

bool debug_gui_enabled

  • Default: true

Enable Debug UI

Variant debug_status_txt

  • Default: ""

Debug Status

PackedScene first_scene

  • Default: none

The first scene to load

bool is_server

  • Default: false

Determines if MultiPlay is running as server

MPPlayer local_player

  • Default: null

The local player node

int max_players

  • Default: 2

Max players for the game.

int mode

  • Default: 0

Current playmode

bool online_connected

  • Default: false

If connected in online mode

MultiplayerPeer online_peer

  • Default: null

MultiplayerPeer for the game

int player_count

  • Default: 0

Current player count

bool player_node_ready

  • Default: false

If player node is ready

PackedScene player_scene

  • Default: none

Your own template player scene.

MPPlayersCollection players

  • Default: none

Players Collection

int port

  • Default: 4200

Which port to use in online game host.

bool started

  • Default: false

Determines if MultiPlay has started

String swap_input_action

  • Default: none

Which action key to use for swap mode.

Method Descriptions #

create_player ( Variant player_id, Variant handshake_data )

Create player node

load_scene ( String scene_path, Variant respawn_players )

Load scene for all players

start_one_screen ( )

Start one screen mode

start_online_host ( bool act_client, Dictionary act_client_handshake_data, Dictionary act_client_credentials_data )

Start online mode as host

start_online_join ( String url, Dictionary handshake_data, Dictionary credentials_data )

Start online mode as client

start_solo ( )

Start solo mode

start_swap ( )

Start swap mode

swap_increment ( )

Swap control to player according to index. Swap mode only

swap_to ( )

Specifically Swap to index. Swap mode only

Signals #

connected_to_server ( )

Emit when client has connected to the server, Only emit locally.

connection_error ( )

Emit when client faced connection error

disconnected_from_server ( )

Emit when client has disconnected from the server, Only emit locally.

player_connected ( )

Emit when new player is connected to the server, Emit to all players in the server.

player_disconnected ( )

Emit when player has disconnected from the server, Emit to all players in the server.

scene_loaded ( )

On network scene loaded

swap_changed ( int to_index, int old_index )

Emit when swap index has changed. Only emit in Swap Play mode