Basic APIs

Basic APIs #

MultiPlay Core comes with easy-to-use API for generic purposes development.

MultiPlay Core Class #

Class for everything multiplay core, comes with handy API to use!

MultiPlayCore Class is shorten as mpc

Properties #

Get the local player #


Get current player count #


Functions #

Loading Scene #

This function will load the scene for all players.

mpc.load_scene(scene_path, respawn_players)

You can change the respawn_players boolean to false if you want to handle despawn/spawning the players yourself.

Change swap focus (Swap mode only) #

Swap player node incrementally.


Specify swap index.


Signals #

player_connected(player: MPPlayer) - On player connected to the server. Emits to everyone

player_disconnected(player: MPPlayer) - On player disconnected from the server. Emits to everyone

connected_to_server(localplayer: MPPlayer) - On player connected to the server. Only emit locally

disconnected_from_server(reason: String) - On player disconnected from the server. Only emit locally

connection_error(reason: ConnectionError) - Emit when the client faced connection error

swap_changed(to_index: int, old_index: int) - Emit when swap index has changed. Only emit in Swap Play mode

MPPlayer Class #

The MultiPlay player class. Manages input for your player node.

MPPlayer Class is shorten as mpp

Get the MPPlayer class from your own player node. #

If you specified your own player scene, it’ll be added as a child of MPPlayer. To get the class, simply use:

@onready var mpp: MPPlayer = get_parent()

Properties #

Get the player’s main MultiPlayCore Node #


Functions #

Use the input system #

For more information, see Input System

Disconnect the player #

Disconnect the player from the server. Local Only


Kicking the player #

Kick the player from the server, you can also specify the reason. Server Only


Respawn the player #

Respawn your player node using this function, Server Only:

There’s also spawn_node and despawn_node to use! These are self-explanatory.

Signals #

player_ready - On player ready. Only emit locally

handshake_ready - On handshake & authentication data is ready. Emit to all players

swap_focused - On swap focused, Swap mode only

swap_unfocused - On swap unfocused, Swap mode only

MPPlayersCollection Class #

Collection of all player node.

Getting the player collection #

You can get the player collection from MultiPlay Core, with this property:


Functions #

Getting the player node #

Get player by their ID using this function:

player.get_player_by_id(id: int)

Get player by their Index using this function:

player.get_player_by_index(index: int)

Get all players #

You can get a dictionary of all players with the following function:


Feel free to use .values() if you just want an array of players ;)

Respawn all player node #

Respawn all player’s node with this function Server Only:

There’s also spawn_node_all and despawn_node_all to use! These are self explanatory.