
Keeping players in sync #


There are multiple ways to synchronize state to all players across the network.

Using Godot’s native Multiplayer Features #

Godot comes with its own high-level multiplayer, and since that’s what MultiPlay was built on top of. You’re free to use bulit-in API/Node. Which includes

MultiplayerSynchronizer #

MultiplayerSynchronizer can be used to synchronize properties from the multiplayer authority to all players in the network.

More info here.

MultiplayerSpawner #

MultiplayerSpawner can be used to automatically replicate scene from the multiplayer authority to all players in the network.

More info here.

Remote procedure calls #

rpc and rpc_id are the most common functions in Godot multiplayer. It allows functions to be called by other players.

More info here.

Using MultiPlay’s Synchronizers #

MultiPlay Core also comes with its own synchronizers for specific uses, you can read about it more in the synchronizers category.